Wednesday, June 14, 2006

All marked up

Just a quick note today...

I went to the radiation oncologist yesterday to have my scan and get marked up. I thought that it would be a small blue freckle tattoo, and it was. But, you cannot see the tattoo as it is covered by big sharpie marker marks. I have about 10 marks on my body to line me up for the x-ray and treatment next week. And just so the marker would not wear off, they stuck tape on each mark!

The facility was great and all the technitions and doctors were so supportive as they explained each step to me. I feel very fortunate to be in good hands.

Well off to VBS...


Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
Glad to hear that this is starting, and ending soon. You will be in our prayers, as always,

Love, Aunt Janette

Anonymous said...

So do you think your Aunt Janette was getting a little jealous of all the prayers and such being said for you and Elizabeth, and decided to give you some competition? You will be happy to know that when Elizabeth and I visited her today, she looked just fine. It just goes to show how GOD is in all places at all times. We are praying now, that the radiation treatment grants you relief from pain. We'll be watching for your report at the end of two weeks.