Monday, December 26, 2005

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Chiristmas!

Merry Christmas! Jake and I got to spend the last two nights in complete comfort on our new matress. The matress is so thick that our old headboead is barely visible! I love it. And, the last two evenings, I have woken up at a normal time (not 12, 2, 4 AM...) The yikes, who come onto our bed often throughout the day had to be lifted up as it was too tall for them. I might even need a stepstool! We are so grateful for this Christmas blessing.

We had my Mom's entire family home for the holidays at my grandmother's house. My mom is one of 7, so there were over 30 of us. It was a great time of eating, visiting...did I mention eating! I love having my whole family together. When everyone comes home, it is like they never left. It was also a beautiful day (about 70') so they were outside most of Christmas day.

Physically, I am feeling fine. I had my second infusion of Zometa last Thursday and it was even easier on me this time around. I get a little more tired, but I am getting used to that and knowing what to do to help prevent it...umm, that was a no more. I have another treatment and a doctor's appoinment on the 5th of January. Jadyn will have her surgery right down the block from my hospital on the 3rd. We are looking for a van this week so it will be possible to transport our family in the coming weeks with Jadyn taking up a whole row to herself. Send your thoughts and prayers our way and shopping for a used car is so stressful for a perfectionist like me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jessica, Jake, Katelyn, Jaydn and Bryn,
We are so glad you had a wonderful family Christmas and we will be keeping you and Jaydn in our prayers these next few days.
We enjoyed a great day at your Dad and Cindy's house on Christmas. Erik, Amy, Krista and Alex were all there along with the Moody kids and Anita and her fmaily. We especially enjoying helping Luke celebrate his first Christmas!!!
