Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day, the day after

Yesterday, I woke up, literally, to Bryn waving her sealed folder in my face begging, "Can you open it now? Can you open it now?" She had made a secret something that we have been counting down to open since she came home from Mother's Day Out on Thursday. I was more than delighted to wake up and open it. It contained a beautiful bracelet made of a pink pipe cleaner and various colorful beads, which I proudly wore all day. She also had "finished" the following sentences in a beautiful poem:

My Mom is Special

My Mom is special because... I snuggle with her.
I like it when my mom...sings, and takes me with her to the store.
My Mom can do many things! I think she is best at... coloring with me.
My Mom has a pretty smile! I like to make her smile by... singing a lullaby.
My mom is as pretty as....a flower.
My Mom is smart. She even knows...all about how to say a Spanish word.

Love, Bryn

Then, Katelyn and Jadyn came in and asked for breakfast. I got up and came into the kitchen to make it. Only, I did not see an empty table, but one filled with breakfast already made!! Katelyn had woken up at 6:00 to prepare pancakes, and all the girls helped set the table. It was a wonderful start to the day.

We all went to church and then came back to the house for lunch with the five of us, my mom and dad, and my sister Hope with her husband Matt and their son Austin. The ten of us had a great time eating and talking. We decided to do this instead of waiting a long time in line at a restaurant for a table and I think it was a good plan (of course, I came up with it, so I am a little prejudiced!).

The whole family met over at my grandmother's for dessert and coffee. We stayed over there several hours where we just talked and visited, held baby Jace and guessed about if we would be holding a baby boy or girl in the next weeks with Hope's baby on the way. It was a fun and relaxing day.

One funny...My mom came over this weekend to take the girls out to dinner. Bryn had on a dress I had just pulled down from the attic from her summer clothes. She did not remember where it had come from so when my mom asked Bryn where she got her lovely dress she said without a moments hesitation, "God gave it to me." We all held back roaring laughter, as Bryn quickly flitted by as if she had said the most normal think in the world. Well, I guess God certainly did provide everything for the dress to be now on her little body! Plus, I think that would be a good idea to save that one away to say to Jake if he asks where I got something new and I was not really wanting to tell him I spent money on extra clothes, "God gave it to me!"

Take care,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jessica: May God continue to bless your amazing spirit as you figure out how to live with this hip pain. I am moved by your courage and determination to continue to live abundantly even in the midst of this new challenge. I live with chronic sciatic pain as a result of injury from being hit by a drunk driver years ago that limits my ability to come and go as I please. It's humbling to watch other moms go buzzing by! Yet, as you know better than I, God's grace is absolutely sufficient to sustain and hold us meaningfully -- no matter what. Thanks for all you have contributed to the sixth graders this year to make it a fun and memorable year. Elizabeth W-M