Monday, March 9, 2009

Midnight run to the grocery store

Actually it was more like an 11 o'clock run, but it's after midnight now. I was just going to pick up milk for tomorrow, but realized we were out of a bunch of other stuff too. I didn't even buy dinner stuff, but it still felt like I bought a lot. It isn't always easy going to the store and making stuff, but I kind of like how my kids now ask "What's for dinner?" instead of "Who is bringing us dinner?"

Bryn is still having nightmares, so I reminded her that she can ask Jesus for help when she is having a nightmare. She looked up into my eyes and said, "OK daddy, but if that doesn't work can I still crawl in bed with you?" She is so practical!

This week coming is going to be a busy one because of Open House both at the Yikes' school and mine, but I think it's also going to be a good one. God bless you and thank you for keeping up with us.


Al Rearick said...

DRAT!!!! I drove by your house and caught a glimpse of you through the kitchen window and thought, "I'm on the way to the store, I oughta ask Jake if he needs anything." ARRRGGHHH!!! I hate it when I ignore that still small voice.

Next time, I promise.

As I write this, hopefully Bryn is sound asleep and having sweet dreams. Y'all continue to be in my prayers, and especially Bryn because nightmares are no fair. Wouldn't it be cool if the monsters turned out to be like Sully from "Monsters Inc"? We could call Bryn "Boo" for short and the monsters would be nice to Bryn. Worth hoping for, anyway.

PS: Aunt Sandy, YOU are the blessing. If it weren't for you, I'da never known about your nephew around the corner. At least now Jake knows who to blame for the extra pest in his life! :-)

In Him and around the corner (and clogging the blog on an early Monday morning),


jbrooke said...

Just throwing this out, you may have already done it, oldest son struggles with nightmares as well, and so he goes to bed listening to a worship CD. (I also started copying your "3 things to dream about" and it works great! Thanks! Anyway, sometimes in the night, I hear his CD come on and I know that he is trying to tough it out after a bad dream. I start praying for him when I hear the music. Sometimes I need to go in, sometimes he still needs to come in our room, but more and more he self soothes through Chris Tomlin :-) He is 6 fyi. Just tossing it out to you and hoping it might help.

Brooke Parlin

Anonymous said...

Keeping the Kaylor's in my prayers:) Ms.Gillum