Sunday, September 25, 2005

A Courageous Kaylor

Jess did two things this last week that were very courageous. The first one seems silly, but I assure you it is not. She shaved her legs. She has not had to do this for some time because the only advantage to losing hair because of the chemo is that it also included the hair on her legs. The sitatuation was made even more hairy (pardon the pun) because her blood counts have been low. These include red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. The counts will of course eventually go up but for now the lack of platelets means that the little nicks caused by shaving don't stop bleeding easily. When I saw her blood-covered legs I thought, "That wasn't easy and I'm proud of her for being brave."

The second brave moment came today when Jess didn't wear her hair to Sunday school for the first time. I think it's weird how we sometimes "dress to impress" in church when we really just want people to accept us for who we are. I think our Sunday school did just that this morning-- accepted her for a beautiful woman who has fought a hard battle.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
Congratulations on your legs! It is interesting how such little steps now seem huge. It helps us appreciate the little things more and more. Keep up the good work.

I love the 'no wig' story. Keep showing them what you've got!

Happy Fall,
Aunt Janette

Amy Sayegh said...

Good for you Jessica! I think I've shaved once since chemo. I am through with the wigs, too! I am wearing some "hip" fall hats now. The next step is to actually wear mascara. I lost my eye brows and my eye lashes. I think about you often and pray for you and your family. You are an inspiration to me and a beacon of hope and faith for everyone. What a legacy for your children!

Amy Sayegh said...

Good for you Jessica! I think I've shaved once since chemo. I am through with the wigs, too! I am wearing some "hip" fall hats now. The next step is to actually wear mascara. I lost my eye brows and my eye lashes. I think about you often and pray for you and your family. You are an inspiration to me and a beacon of hope and faith for everyone. What a legacy for your children!