Monday, June 20, 2005

4 cycles down... and a new plan coming

I had a fun time at chemo today with my Aunt Sandy, although I think I slept through half of it! They give me benadryl drip to help me sleep and steriods in each drug that make me relax. It is supposed to make the chemo drugs work better. But, it doesn't make me such great company.

Okay, a lot of family is thinking I'm wierd, but I am going to try a new think with this chemo round and I need your prayers. It usually goes like this: Day 1 (fine) Day 2 (fine during the day; get real tired after 5:00) Day 3 (I am tired and sleep all day and pretty sick to my stomach much of the day, too) Day 4 (little things exhaust me; feeling a little less sick to my stomach) Day 5 (feeling better...on the upswing) Okay, I do not want to do this every three weeks. When I did not have cancer and I felt a little tired, and my stomach hurt, I did not lay down all day. I did what I was planning to do. So sniffles, shmiffles... forge on, I'm a mother! Cancer, shmancer, let's get going!

Even as I write this, I can hear my Aunt Diane, mother, grandmother, husband...cringe. But it is just an experiment. If it does not work, I will go back to my rough 5 days.

So, that is my plan. I am going to rest for a normal amount of time and then I am going to get up, read, go work out, walk, eat small meals, or write thank you notes to all the precious people who help us! It's just an experiment. It's really for day 4 and 5: this time it means Wednesday and Thursday. Please be praying for me these days. I am still doing to take my medicines, just not the ones that knock me out. (Mom, I will still take naps :) I promise)

Thanks guys!


Anonymous said...

You are amazing, we all think so. Keep something in mind. Compare it to when you gave birth to the girls, the more you rest, the better you are able to take care of everything else. Do what you feel is right, BUT when you need to rest, rest. Your body is telling you something.

The one thing all of us can't do is rest for you, you need to take care of you and the Jessica Warriors will take care of everything else. What ever you decide, we are all praying for you.

Today we are also praying for a miracle and a clean PET scan. You will be in our thoughts all day (as always).

Aunt Janette

Amy Sayegh said...

Hi Jessica,
It sounds like we are on the same schedule! One thing people told me when I started this is you are only limited to what you limit yourself to. You do need more rest, but do what helps you get healthy again. I know when I sleep for too long, I feel more tired. Take it easy on yourself, and rest, but get out there and don't let this chemo zap everything. Just do it in moderation. I just finished #4 too, and now I'm on the upswing on day number 5, only I go every 2 weeks. I think you need the 5 days, I don't know why, but after that don't limit yourself. Try to walk, exercise, whatever to get your energy back.
I will pray for you!!!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for great PET scan results for you. I love to hear your positive attitude. It is encouraging to those of us who don't even have as much to go through, but still need encouragement. Thinking of you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Keep on going anyway you can. But don't forget that a tired momy is not a happy mommy and the kids can tell. So try your experiment, evaluate the data and forge a conclusion. I will be praying for an outstanding result to your experiment.
We will be praying for your PET scan also.
We love you all and miss you.

Elena and the Boyz

Anonymous said...

a.k.a. SUPER WOMEN! Don't try to be a super hero through all of this! You are already a HERO in my book and I will be praying Wed & Thur for you, whatever works I'm in for the haul. Remember, in the end no one is going to judge you or give you a trophy for resting or using your time any other way than what YOU want. You go girl!

Love ,

Anonymous said...

Jess...I LOVE your attitude. To hell with this crap. Call me when you finish working out, I'll bring my motorcycle over and we can go cruising!!

I Love you!!!
Uncle Mike