Friday, May 6, 2005

Jess at Zale (updated)

When Jess woke up this morning she felt some tenderness around the place where they put her port in (this is where they inject the chemo). When she went to get it checked out, they found a small blood clot. It is not serious , but they are keeping her overnight at Zale in Dallas. I will update this post if we find out anything else.

On a completely different note, several people have told me that they wish they could post comments on this site. Well you can. Just click on the lower right of the post where it lists the number of comments already posted. Jess and I regularly read them and you can too.

10:05 PM I just got back from seeing Jess at Zale Lipshy. I know a little bit more but not a lot. There are really two problems. The first is that she almost certainly has an infection around the site of the port. They are already treating it with antibiotics. It really is a good thing she has an infection because otherwise they would not have found the second, unrelated problem: a blood clot in her arm. They are already treating the clot as well, with a blood thinner. The cause of the clot is thought to either be a side effect of one of the chemo drugs or a result of the surgery when the port was put in. I am worried about her just because I am her husband, but also I feel a great deal of relief that they caught the clot early. She has been still tired over a week after her chemo, and now we have a better understanding of why. When I left, she was in good spirits but tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are my very best friend. You are the first person I think of in the morning and the last person I think of when I go to sleep. I am so proud of the amazing woman you have become. I have watched you blossom into the most incredible person I have ever known, and I just wanted to make sure you knew what a big impact you have made in my life. Although I am incredibly ADD and forgetful, there is one thing I am sure of, my sister will always be there for me. You are my role model and inspiration. I love you more than you will ever know and I will be there for you through thick and thin. I am so glad that God chose us to be sisters. He knew I needed someone just like you in my life. Someone who listens, teaches, and loves me no matter how small my world view. You help me see the big picture and I am truely blessed to have you. God bless you and all you do. Hopefully I will be able to do the same for you one day. XOXOXO

PS The girls were fine today. Jadyn made me a mothers day card and Bryn kept telling me, "Hopie is the Best!" I think I'm starting to get a bit of a fat head.:)