Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Start of Christmas

Today was a good day just for making it through it. For Jess, Christmas always started the day after Thanksgiving. Today was the day I would normally take all the Christmas stuff down from the attic with Katelyn. Then Jess would spend several hours doing the tree. Often she would ask me to help with the tree which I would gladly do. Then she would redo all my branches to make sure they were spread out and rehang all the ornaments I had put up to make sure they were placed in the best possible spot. Well, I was really, really dreading today as everything about today reminds me of Jess. Katelyn was off at the movies with friends, but the Christmas stuff is stored in the shed now so no problems getting it out. Jadyn and Bryn had a wonderful time decorating the tree and putting out Christmas stuff. Other than feeling a little nauseous as I put up the tree (no, I'm not making this up) it really turned into a pretty decent day. Usually when it comes to a day like this I depend on my friends to help me get through it, but for the first time I did pretty good on my own with the Yikes. I even went Christmas shopping late tonight. I do still have one problem. Thanks to gift bags I no longer feel embarrassed when presenting a poorly wrapped present for a birthday gift. However, with Christmas presents gift bags are not going to be the solution for my awful wrapping skills. I know with certainty that if I put gift bags under the tree my kiddos will know what their presents are before Christmas comes. Right now I can think of only two solutions: put an alarm on each present to deter peeking or be OK with my kids' presents looking deformed like Quasimodo.


Anonymous said...

Quasimodo is a pretty cool guy! (just watch Disney's "The Hunchback of Notre Dame")

However, if you are really worried I could almost bet there is someone out there willing to give you giftwrapping lessons WHILE helping you to wrap the girls presents!

Love to all,


Anonymous said...


Double-sided tape, my friend, is your answer. It's in the yellow package by 3M. The first year my mom used it, I was actually surprised at my gifts. She used it to tape the wrapping paper TO the box instead of just wrapping the paper around the box, then securing it w/ a piece of tape on each end.

Laundry Fairy

Anonymous said...

Hi Jake,
I am not the best wrapper either! But, the girls will love it all because they were wrapped with love by you!
Ronda August

Lynne said...


--you continue to be amazing!

Love and prayer especially during this Advent time,
Love, Lynne

Anonymous said...

christmas wrappers unite! Jake, I'm sure someone will come and help you out! It's a learned skill! You can do it!

Anonymous said...

looking deformed like Quasimodo!!!(:
Ill help if youuu wannnt Pop Pop!

Anonymous said...

One one of my best friends offered to helf wrap the gifts. She wants to do this for you very badly. She would like to pick them up as you buy them so 1, there will be gifts under the tree and 2, there won't be so many at once. I'll buy the wrapping paper and ribbon. Is it a go??
Love you,

Al Rearick said...

There's nothing wrong with deformed-looking wrapped presents.... just ask any recipient of any gift I've ever given. At some point it becomes an art form, and if you actually improve on it, then folks start to think something's wrong.

Some wome... I mean, some people will tell you it's all about the presentation. Humbug, I say! It's about the ripping, shredding, get-me-to-the-present-NOW!!! So what if a present is wrapped up in Sunday's comics with duck tape? If they'd wanted nicely-wrapped presents, they would've said on their Christmas list, "Wrap my presents nicely!" Nobody ever held up a present from a loved one and said, "My husband got this for me, but you should've seen the wrapping job he did! I almost kept the paper and threw away the present!" Conversely, I have YET to see anyone see a cruddy-wrapped present and say, "Ewww! I'm not opening THAT! I don't care what's in there; that wrapping job is the PITS!"

So, wrap away my friend! It's what's inside that counts!

In Him and around the corner (and tangled up in duck tape),


Tessa said...

OH, my precious Jake....I do not agree with Mr. Rearick, although, I find him to be incredibly funny, well written and I want to know him!!! Presentation is the begining of a present. If Mom's friend had not agreed to wrap for you I would be there teaching you the beauty and ease of present presentation. Because Jess would not want me to coddle you and do it myself. Would she?? Anywho, I reserve the right to take you in hand at another date and show you some skills!! LOL Tessa