Sunday, November 23, 2008

Importance of Family

The nice thing about going to a Lake house in the middle of November is that it's nice and peaceful. That's not the first thought I had though; my first thought was this would probably be more fun in the summer. The truth is that I think my whole family needed just what this weekend provided: time away from the rest of the world. I also think it's really cool that everyone is totally comfortable with talking about Jess-- I think the part of her that everyone misses the most is how she was a good friend to us.


Al Rearick said...

Okay, I'm glad I'm not losing my mind. Tomorrow's post sure explains why my head was spinning while reading today's post.

Importance of family... truer words were never spoken. Your post reminds me of my wife's uncle's cabin in Michigan. That's where she's from, and there's a lot of family still up there. Being with them is a lot like what you described. It's nice to get together and just... talk.

Glad you guys are back safe & sound.

In Him and around the corner (and wishing I was in Michigan where it's snowing right now),


Anonymous said...

After we lost my sister, we went to my Grandparents lakehouse for a week. My parents and Grandparents both needed some time away and it was a blessing to be together there. I remember it got really cold and(it was around Thanksgiving and my Grandmother making hot chocolate out of 3 musketeers bars. It was delicious and I thought it was so cool of her. Memories of that week are peaceful, it gave us time to get away TOGETHER!
Love the closet post about Katelyn, my Mom would say that sounded just like me at her age through college!
Love you Kaylors!
Carrie Patchen